The Jefferson Quarry has been a literal bedrock for Mankato’s community and development across the nation. For more than a century, the limestone cliffs wee extracted for building projects - showcasing the abundant beauty of Greater Mankato.

Under the leadership of Pentagon Materials, there will be a new tremor that rocks the Minnesota development scene. Fisher Development is excited and prepared to help guide this project for best reuse, upholding three principle values: Legacy, Recognition, and Economic Impact.

The potential for the Jefferson Quarry is limitless, and the early support shown from community leaders and city staff only bolsters confidence in the project. Fisher Development has mined ideas from key community stakeholders, industry leaders, artists, and nationally acclaimed quarry reuse projects.

Here you will get an early glimpse of the opportunities the quarry holds. From scenic balcony views of homes or offices, to beautifully manicured paths and waterways connecting private enterprise to public amenities - this will be a thriving district for commerce and livability. We anticipate the Jefferson Quarry Development having a national ripple effect that drives tourism, industry, and leaves a lasting legacy in Greater Mankato and Beyond.